Archery Mental Mastery is a ground breaking programme just for archers like you !

Get a mental edge, and create the mindset of a champion!

Archery Mental Mastery is a program designed to help you harness your own inner potential to allow archers to develop a winning mind-set.

The eBook contains all the techniques that an archer from a novice level right though to country or Olympic member could use to improve focus, reducing performance anxiety and creating a mind-set of a champion. It is not padded out pages of stuff you don’t need to know, just the bits you do!


A word from the Author (Me Adam)

The programme Archery Mental Mastery has been written for archers by me Adam Cowming. I run a successful Hypnotherapy business and I’ve also helped many Sports Performance clients.

I also shoot archery at the weekend myself. I’ve put the book together of techniques that work, I know they work because they have been tested in the real sporting areas from archery, boxing to running!

I’ve also taken them and applied them to my own shooting and have seen some rapid improvement in my handicap scores.

Focus and clarity of thought is important in all competitive sports, Archery especially. When aiming a bow, sharp mental focus is your best friend.

This is not a fluff piece, this truly helps.

“Adam Cowming’s book “Archery Mental Mastery” is an easy to read and comprehend guide to enhancing performance by adopting the right mind set. Having known Adam for a few years by regularly shooting with him, have been quite astounded with his improvement in archery over the last few months and was totally unaware of him developing mental techniques for self improvement.
Well, I can quite categorically say that they do work!  I having witnessed the improvement and am that intrigued that I have now adopted these techniques for my self to improve upon my own shooting.
Using well explained NLP exercises to guided visualization and anchor new associations, Adam enables you to rid the mind of negative thoughts which can hinder your performance.  By making subtle changes to the unconscious mind (well explained by Adam) the changes will be at an unconscious level so you won’t even have to think about doing them, it will become an automatic process.
From goal setting and re-wording our internal dialog to alleviating our self inflicted anxiety, Adam delivers many exercises to allow us to reprogram our minds to not only relax and ease tension but to improve our breathing through yogic practices.
Not only a darn good read for anyone wishing to improve their archery skills but also for those wishing to discover their own inner potential by exploring the workings of the mind.”
Stephane Doyle
Beacon Archers, Birmingham, UK

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ : After your payment via PayPal you have to click the “Return To Merchant” tab to be taken to the product page were you are able to download the programme.

ONLY £14.99 – Includes PDF eBook + MP3 session

What do you get with the Archery Mental Mastery Programme?

The programme contains all the techniques that an archer from a novice level right though to country or Olympic member could use to improve focus, reducing performance anxiety and creating a mind-set of a champion.

Reading a book or a guide can help, especially for those that process information visually. However, my background in Hypnosis has certainly shown me the power of auditory reinforcment. So, I’ve created an MP3 file designed to trigger your subconscious mind – it does most of your thinking, and it decides a lot of what you do. When you’re awake, your conscious mind works to evaluate a lot of these thoughts, make decisions and put certain ideas into action. It also processes new information and relays it to the subconscious mind.

So by listening to the hypnosis session I can help you to automatically train the unconscious to take new and powerful learning.

  • A multi-page *eBook full of exercises and tips
  • Recorded MP3 Hypnosis reinforcement session
  • The fresh thinking and focus of a champion

This isn’t for you if…

The “Archery Mental Mastery” programme contains the *eBook that is packed full great tips and tricks (over eighteen powerful techniques) to help you in all areas of your archery using NLP and other powerful tools.

  • You want better focus and concentration.
  • You want complete control over performance anxiety.
  • If you want to improve naturally and make the most of the power of your own mind.
  • You want to learn the mental mastery secrets to becoming a champion archer.

It ONLY contains what you need, it is not padded out with stuff you don’t! The programme also includes the most powerful hypnosis MP3 you will ever listen to. Written and recorded by a professional hypnotherapist and expert in sport performance coaching!

This is probably the most powerful programme archery has ever seen!

ONLY £14.99 – Includes PDF eBook + MP3 session

About the Programme…

The programme contains everything you need to better your performance and improve your state-of-mind during archery. The eBook is broken into chapters, an overview is given here:

General information
This programme has been designed to aid and work alongside your coach and archery lessons naturally enhancing your ability. It can work as well with whatever bow you use from recurve archery and field archery using a compound bow. This is designed to develop the mental side of your archery techniques.

About Me
Find out at little more about me and my back ground, I want to connect with you and for you to feel like you really know me.

A short history of sport psychology
This is a small overview of the development of Sports Psychology.

How and why this works
I go into a little detail why my methods of NLP and Hypnosis work. I will explain the thoughts and methodology behind the processes and techniques that I use in the programme.

Mental Preparation (Pe-shooting)
This is full of interesting and proven exercises that will help before you even get near to the shooting line or pick up your bow. I will guide you through step by step in an easy to understand way.
Improve your confidence in your ability and take control over any performance anxiety issues. You will start to see and feel different about your whole archery game and have the mental edge over your fellow archers.

Learn the secrets of champions!

Mental Preparation (Shooting)
This chapter will help you on the day of shooting and incorporates easy and fast exercise and techniques to can use anywhere at any time. You will see things starting to come together in the shoot. It’s just packed full of thing to help you in all areas of the important day of the shoot or competition. Learn to relax and enjoy that winning feeling.

Getting Over Disappointment
This chapter I deal with things that don’t always go to plan and how to cope and move on from a less than perfect performance. It helps you get back to your best, think about things in a more positive and constructive way.

Hypnosis MP3 Audio
Your conscious mind works hand-in-hand with your unconscious mind. The unconscious part of your mind that does your “behind the scenes” thinking. Your unconscious mind accesses the vast reservoir of information that lets you solve problems or locate your keys. This all can be achieved using the relaxing power of hypnosis. I am a fully qualified professional hypnotherapist so you are in very safe hands having seen 100’s of one to one clients and trained with some of the world’s best trainers in Hypnosis, NLP and Change Work methods. This alone is a very powerful tool that will help you get the results and mind-set you really want.

The eBook and MP3 combined is a seriously powerful way to get results fast !

“Adam helped me to combat a particularly difficult bout of ‘Target Panic’, I couldn’t hit the side of a barn! Touch-wood, it’s never bothered me since” – Robin Blount

*Please download Acrobat Reader in order to help you read the PDF eBook.

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ : After your payment via PayPal you have to click the ” Return To Merchant” tab to be taken to the product page were you are able to download the programme.

ONLY £14.99 – Includes PDF eBook + MP3 session

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