Welcome To The Download Page

Follow the instructions below very carefully before downloading the programme.

 Saving MP3 files to your Computer

Download the Mp3 to your computer for viewing or printing, now or at later date. Saving a larger file to your hard drive is the best option, particularly if you do not have a fast Internet connection.

  • Chrome and Firefox
    Right click
    on the link and select “Save Link As.” Follow prompts to save the file to your location, taking care to recognize where you saved the Mp3 file.
  • Internet Explorer
    Right click the link and select “Save Target As.” Follow prompts to save the file to your location, taking care to recognize where you saved the Mp3 file. You may then open it with the folder where you saved it.

Please follow the instructions below carefully..

Stop Target Panic Now Mp3

Right Click Above


(Right Click On The Above Word Download Your Mp3 NOT The Picture)

To download Mp3 file RIGHT click on the word Download above.

Right click you will see a box. Click on “Save Link As”. Select a destination onto your computer to save your MP3 file such as “Music”